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In the vast realm of YouTube, where content spans diverse interests and genres, there’s a channel that takes you on a spiritual journey, guiding you through the profound teachings and way of life inspired by Lord Buddha. Welcome to Ekayan, a platform that seeks to explore the doctrines and philosophy of Buddhism. In this article, we’ll delve into Ekayan, its mission, the range of content it offers, its history, and the dedicated team behind its success.

Ekayan: A Glimpse into its World

You can find Ekayan on YouTube through this link, where it is dedicated to discussing the way of life and doctrines of Lord Buddha. The channel’s name, “Ekayan,” translates to “One Vehicle,” encapsulating the essence of the channel’s mission, although we’ll refrain from delving into its Pali origins as requested.

At its core, Ekayan serves as a bridge between ancient wisdom and contemporary life, aiming to make the teachings of Lord Buddha accessible to people from all walks of life. It does so through a diverse range of content that includes discussions, teachings, guided meditations, and contemplative videos.

The Wisdom of Lord Buddha

Lord Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, is a spiritual icon whose teachings have transcended time and continue to inspire countless individuals seeking enlightenment, compassion, and freedom from suffering. These teachings are encapsulated in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, forming the cornerstone of Buddhist philosophy.

Ekayan dives deep into these profound teachings, presenting them in a manner that resonates with both newcomers curious about Buddhism and seasoned practitioners looking to deepen their understanding.

Nourishing the Soul: Ekayan’s Content

Ekayan offers a plethora of content, all aimed at nurturing the soul and enriching the mind. Here are some of the key types of content you can find on the channel:

  1. Parmita: Ekayan’s “Parmita” series delves into the core principles of Buddhism. These videos offer in-depth explanations and discussions on various aspects of Buddhist philosophy, making them accessible to those new to the subject.
  2. Dhamma Charcha: This series involves discussions on the Dhamma, which is the path to righteousness and truth as taught by Lord Buddha. It delves into the application of these teachings in daily life.
  3. Jatak Katha: “Jatak Katha” refers to the stories of the previous lives of Lord Buddha. These stories are not just tales but also contain valuable moral lessons. Ekayan’s series narrates and interprets these stories, helping viewers glean insights into human nature and the path to enlightenment.
  4. Dhamma Vaani: In the “Dhamma Vaani” series, Ekayan explores various aspects of Dhamma through talks and discussions. This content is invaluable for those seeking a deeper understanding of Buddhist doctrines.

A Glimpse into Ekayan’s History and Team

Ekayan embarked on its journey on December 31, 2018, when Mr. Suyog Surve Sir founded the channel. Since then, it has grown steadily, attracting a dedicated following of individuals seeking spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.

Behind the scenes, a passionate and skilled team brings Ekayan to life:

  • Script & Presentation: Mr. Suyog Surve is not only the channel’s founder but also the scriptwriter and presenter. His deep knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and his ability to communicate complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner make him an invaluable asset to Ekayan.
  • Sound & Videography: Mayuresh Kelkar is responsible for the channel’s sound and videography, ensuring that the content is both visually and aurally appealing. His skills contribute to the overall quality of Ekayan’s videos.
  • Production Studio: The heart of Ekayan’s content creation lies in Studio Dhwani. This production studio serves as the creative hub where ideas are transformed into captivating videos that resonate with the audience.


In a world filled with distractions and the constant hustle and bustle of daily life, Ekayan stands out as a sanctuary of spiritual wisdom and contemplation. Through its dedication to exploring the teachings of Lord Buddha, Ekayan offers a path to inner peace, mindfulness, and spiritual growth. Whether you are a beginner seeking an introduction to Buddhism or a seasoned practitioner on a quest for deeper understanding, Ekayan welcomes you to join its community.

Visit EkayanInfo to embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Let Ekayan be your guide as you explore the profound teachings and way of life inspired by Lord Buddha, and discover how these ancient principles can bring meaning and purpose to your modern life.

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Article by : Acws Global